thoughts rule your life.” That’s what they say, isn’t it? It seems that our
destiny has somehow to do with the mentality we embrace today. Keeping a clear conscious
may therefore let us enjoy a more peaceful, tranquil life in the future.
But how do we keep our mind sound when the
surrounding has been seized by destructive thoughts? Actually, there are plenty
of evil ideas that begin to germinate on people’s minds. This is what has happened
at Mr Critical’s office. Everyone has begun to focus on the mistakes of others,
and gossip has invaded the work environment, to the extent that it is affecting
the job security of certain people who are thought to be lazy, not
collaborative and critical men. Are they really so? Or perhaps, have jealousy, envy and the fear of losing power made room for instability at the office? How does one succeed in a
group of workers? How to be liked at work? Maybe, the lack of professionalism is
still bearing its fruit and letting the ”wanna be” authorities (wanna be sub-deans, coordinators, etc) proceed
according to their mediocrity, which is mainly based on sentimentalism,
emotionalism and prejudice above professional ethics, knowledge and leadership.
To Mr Critical, it is impossible to hire professionals
who know their job well (or at least, acceptably) without expecting them to express their thoughts,
ideas, opinions and warnings. You cannot brainwash them. You cannot deceive them.
They cannot be silent. However much the colonisers –so to speak- insist on
looking for mistakes on them, they’ll always remain safe. It’s time to make
peace among everyone in the office and stop castigating people who seem to be a threat or an obstacle. Hopefully,
every single person may work at ease at this office and may they soon enjoy the
beauty of their lives united together. May the good thoughts overcome the bad
ones, so that our lives may be ruled by positive, sound minds every day.
thoughts in the middle of bad ones, will you draw them in?