Saturday 16 July 2011

How much longer?

Everybody knows that destruction is the unavoidable fate of this world. Whether you believe in the Bible's message or not, the signs of an end are everywhere. But many people may wonder how much longer we have to witness these painful signs. How long do we have to endure the tremendous turmoil in society? Confused people everywhere? Hiperreal experiences every second? Simulations rather than real facts? Fake instead of authenticity? And worse, there is an intrinsic prohibition to say anything against the supreme currents of opinion. You are expected to accept other people’s philosophies or, if not, at least respect them and let them be, dwell and succeed every day, no matter what their content suggests nor what biblical values they may break.
Is New Age really an alternative to happiness? How is it possible, for example, that someone says that they love and believe in God, when they have a homosexual behaviour? When the Bible says that this attitude is abomination against Him? Isn’t it paradoxical? But, even worse, they were born at an age in which they’re just a sort of final product of what society produces, so that, there is no one to blame, to such an extent that it was expected to happen. And the same happens to other behavioural disorders. Criminals are the sort of final product of Hollywood’s violence in films. Lesbians are the sort of final product of Barbie-like ideal image of a girl who will always be unable to meet such features in order to get men’s attraction, so that she resorts to another girl in the same conditions to look for acceptance, understanding, care, and love. Emo youth is a kind of final product of family violence, divorce, sexual abuse, and factors like those. And it seems to be that mass media constitute an enticing and seductive key component for the process of systematic destruction of this world.
Fortunately, there is hope for everyone who seeks it. It’s the very Jesus Christ. In the Bible, he says that he is the way, the truth and the life.
Christians are waiting for this painful ending to happen. One day, He’ll return as he promised and the ones who believed him will see the glory of God before them. So, turn to Jesus, and you’ll find the answers to your life.